Monday, August 4, 2008


I just got a little time to write this now. I am really exhausted yet i am so excited and bless for what had happen the last few hour. YEahhh...

i am a crazy, insane and die hard fan of JESUS CHRIST. whatever u want to called me or word me for my craziness or insanity are pleases to be.

i got the ticket to PASSION KUALA LUMPUR after all. YAhuuuoo.. i am still so desperate to blog this event even i am tired. I am really amazed by PASSION KUALA LUMPUR.

and here what i got from their blog 286generation

It’s going to be hard to describe the beauty of this night, a huge celebration of the grace of God in the midst of the biggest collision of cultures I have ever seen. 4000 people packed into the Sunway Convention Center tonight, representing a giant mix of nations, students studying here in Malaysia from throughout Asia, Africa and the Arabic speaking world. And tonight they were all about one story, one name, one fame.....

it is really insanity. before 3pm itself people have already gather around the entrance and with more then 4,000 college student and teenager crowded hall room coming from as far as state of melaka (someone i get to know) for one thing PASSION. together we worshiping in one spirit for one name, one fame, one passion.

before i begin i would like to introduce the event again.

Passion Conferences is a Christian organization (also referred to as the 268 Generation), founded by Louie Giglio in 1997, known for their annual spiritual awakening gatherings of college students. It is a movement where college and university students gather together to learn about the Creator, the Creation, [un]Creation and New Creation.

talking about passion, people have passion in different form. but PASSION CONFERENCE has set us(CHRISTAN) in one mind set for the people we love, we care about, friend, families and best if all enemies to get save through Christ. the vision of passion they spark in us just grew as each minute god work in hand and in spirit. people change, passionate for lost soul and desire for god in them/me change.

the passion grew in us are ease off and no longer subjected to our weakness and sin we have. everything is different now. a new beginning, new chapter are written tonight.

i also really amazed by Ashley testimonies shared by Louie Giglio in his sermon - Ashley who a party darkest headnut back to light part in 3 month. she facing difficulty in her relationship, and with a divorce parent and living with her boyfriend. thing change when this girl -fruitcake- walk into her life when she broke up with boyfriend who cheating at the back. thing start to change when fruitcake share and care but is a sad ending the last part. i will tried to upload the sermon i recorded later on.

as usual Chris Tomlin and his musician did a great job. and i really like the song they presented. BEST of all they launch a new song in malaysia if i am not mistaken. and sadly i didn't bring enough money to get the t-shirt and cd. the t-shirt was really nice and cds were cheap too. xp

Jakarta friend

hi Jakarta friend,i got the change to pray or u all i am praying for you people here in Malaysia for the info. is a compulsory prayer that we must uphold. is like how manila people have pray for us and london pray for manila and so on. heart and care to you all.

lastly, thanks thank you, Passion Conferences, Ptr.Louie & Sheryl Giglio, Chris Tomlin, Becca Music, Passion organizers, Passion media team, Passion volunteers.
May the Lord richly bless you and your ministries!

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